Monday, June 20, 2011

NO to Panetta as Sec. of Defense...!!!

Dear Senator,

Please vote NO on Leon Panetta for Secretary of Defense.

You are being asked to endorse a man whose Congressional career was dedicated to fighting President Reagan’s defense build-up and anti-communist policies.

Based on the facts about Panetta’s record and curious connections to a major figure in the Communist Party, which are only lately starting to get the attention of the conservative media, a vote for Panetta can only be viewed as trashing the Reagan legacy.

At a time when Reagan had said, "In virtually every measure of military power the Soviet Union enjoys a decided advantage," Panetta sought to undermine Reagan’s pro-defense policies at every turn:

Panetta in 1983 endorsed the nuclear weapons freeze, a concept backed by the Soviet Union which would have frozen in place a Soviet nuclear advantage in Europe.

Panetta supported a ban on the testing and deployment of new nuclear ballistic missiles.

Panetta opposed CIA covert operations to undermine the Communist Sandinista regime, calling Reagan’s support for the Nicaraguan freedom fighters a "dirty war."

Panetta opposed the neutron bomb, an enhanced radiation weapon designed to counter a Soviet tank build-up in Europe.

Panetta opposed the B-1 bomber, which was funded under Reagan and is today a key part of the fleet.

While most members of Congress were saluting Reagan and our troops for liberating Grenada, Panetta criticized the Reagan action and warned against the dispatch of a U.S. naval task force to the vicinity of Cuba. "This is not a time to seek out new targets to flex our military muscle," Panetta said.

Panetta opposed the MX "Peacekeeper" missile, arguing it would jeopardize arms negotiations with the Soviets. Reagan had warned that defunding the system would "weaken our ability to deter war…"


Leon Panetta is a threat to all things conservative.


Please vote NO to prevent his becoming SecDef.


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