Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hands OFF my Health Care...!!!

Dear Senator Cornyn,

Hands OFF my health care...!!!

President Obama's health plan would put government bureaucrats in charge of my health care.

I reject his plan.

I want to make my own choice of medical professionals.

I want my doctor to decide when and what care I need, NOT a government bureaucrat.

As a health care professional here in Abilene since 1980, I know that government run health care WILL lead to rationing of care for senior citizens and long waits for treatment for everyone, just as it has in Canada.

It is time for Washington politicians to listen to the people and refuse to pass government run health care.

One size does not fit all when it comes to health care for Americans.

There is absolutely NO reason that health care reform must be railroaded through Congress this year.

Please continue to Strongly Oppose Obama and liberal democrats on this abomination called "ObamaCare".

Thank you.


Dr. Chris Albritton
Abilene, TX

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