Thursday, July 7, 2011

DO NOT Increase the DEBT CEILING...!!!

Dear Senator Cornyn,

I’m appalled to read that Republicans may agree to cave on raising the debt ceiling…!

The debt ceiling now stands at 14.3 trillion dollars.  Every American should be ASHAMED of that number.

I’m angry that Sen. Mitch McConnell was first to signal the impending fold.

I’m  TOTALLY  INFURIATED that you, OF ALL PEOPLE, said that Republican Senators would accept a "mini" deal on the debt ceiling.

I can't tell you how angry I am at you...!

Why did I vote to send any of you Republicans to Washington ???

I voted to send my Representatives and Senators to:
• Say NO to tax increases
• Reduce federal spending
• Say NO to Obamacare
• Stand against Obama and his push toward socialism

So, read my lips…

No Tax Increase.
Repeal Obamacare.

I expect Republicans in both House and Senate to stand united for conservative principles.

If you choose to cave to Obama and ignore the voice of us here in Texas, we WILL remember at the next election.

May God rest your political soul.

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