Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Fortunately, the Lame Duck Congress is history.
But even though this particular session of Congress is over, Big Brother Government is just getting warmed up.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) showed last week how the Obama Administration will advance their agenda in 2011.

First on Tuesday, the HHS unveiled new price controls for the health insurance industry. Using new powers granted by Obamacare, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that starting next year, health insurance companies must receive permission from the Obama Administration before they can raise rates by more than 10 percent. The experts at HHS believe these price controls will help decrease rising health care costs. This may sound good on the surface, but price controls always have undesired unintended consequences. Price controls attack the symptoms of runaway costs, not the cause. Price controls will cause shortages, not better health care. This is only one of thousands of new powers Obamacare granted the HHS. Left unchecked, there are many new health care regulations to come.

Later on Tuesday, the FCC released its “net neutrality” rules, which will allow the federal government to begin regulating the Internet. This despite opposition from Congress and a contrary federal court ruling. Net neutrality has nothing to do with the internet being neutral…it simply gives Big Brother Government power and control over the internet, thus further restricting the freedom of the people.

Then on Thursday the EPA announced that it will begin regulating power plants and oil refineries in an attempt to stop global warming. The new regulations will seek to cut greenhouse gas emissions by making it more expensive to turn fossil fuels into energy. But the Obama Administration did not stop there.

Later in the day, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the Bureau of Land Management was issuing new rules that would make it harder to develop natural resources on government-owned land. Both of these measures will not only drive up the cost of electricity but will also make us more dependent on foreign sources of energy.

The Obama Administration fully intends to drive forward with their leftist agenda, even though the people have spoken loud and clear and elected conservatives to control the House of representatives. Obama has effectively “thumbed his nose” at the will of the people, and continues to govern against the will of the people.

But We The People are not powerless, and there will be a major battle in 2011: the Obama Administration and their unelected liberal Progressive “central planners versus the newly elected House of Representatives and state and local governments.

Congress still has the power of the purse and can withhold funding for implementing Obamacare or writing global warming regulations.

There is also the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to review and overrule regulations issued by government agencies.

State and local governments can also thwart the federal administrative state [13] by asserting their rights whenever possible.

We can return power from Washington back to the people, by writing or calling our Representatives and Senators.

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