Friday, September 10, 2010

Congress needs to RENEW the Bush Tax Cuts

Dear Senator,

Please vote to extend the Bush Tax Cuts.

The Bush tax cuts, enacted in 2001 and 2003, will fully and automatically expire as of Dec. 31, 2010.

If these tax cuts expire, my family, my daughter, and my employees will suddenly experience a massive tax rate increase, as will almost all working Americans.

We can't afford the extra that will be sucked out of our paychecks and sent to the Government.

Look at what will happen:

35% bracket will increase to 39.6%
33% bracket will increase to 36%
28% bracket will increase to 31%
25% bracket will increase to 28%
10% and 15% will condense to 15%
Capital gains tax will increase from 15% to 20%
Tax on dividends will increase from 15% to 39.6%

The U.S. is facing one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression.

Senator, it is IMPERATIVE that Congress fully and completely renew the Bush tax cuts; and do so without delay to ensure public confidence in the markets and economy.


Dr. Chris Albritton
Abilene, TX

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