Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Justice with NO Judicial Experience...??

Dear Senator,

I am very worried about President Obama’s nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to serve on the Supreme Court. As your constituent, I request that you refrain from endorsing Ms. Kagan until you, your colleagues and the American people have had the chance to review her record and fidelity to the Constitution thoroughly.

Let me be clear: I’m vehemenently opposed to a lawyer WHO HAS NO JUDICIAL EXPERIENCE being appointed to make life-changing decisions on the U.S. Supreme Court…!!!

Ms. Kagan has a complete and total lack of judicial experience, and severe paucity of published papers and legal opinions.

This makes it incredibly important for the Senate to perform a thorough inquiry into her decision-making process. I believe that most Americans overwhelming prefer judges who base their decisions on the rule of law, as opposed to their own policy preferences.
Senator, it worries me greatly that in a law review article, she expressed agreement with the idea that the Court primarily exists to look out for the "despised and disadvantaged."

This is NOT the function of the U.S. Supreme Court…!

This view allows judges to favor whichever particular client they view as "despised and disadvantaged."

The judiciary is not to favor any one particular group, but to secure justice equally for all through impartial application of the Constitution and laws.

I believe that Ms. Kagan’s fidelity to the Constitution is questionable, and therefore I ask you to reject her nomination.

Thank you for your consideration.


Dr. Chris Albritton
Abilene, TX

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