Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stand FULLY OPPOSED to the president's "American Jobs Act"

Dear Senator,

I encourage you to stand FULLY OPPOSED to the president's "American Jobs Act" for at least 3 reasons:

FIRST, the bill will cost the American Taxpayer roughly $450 billion. President Obama said the bill is already paid for… BUT IT IS NOT. I have to balance my budget at home. (Perhaps you do, too...) and I have to balance the budget of my small business. So even the small American Taxpayer like me knows that you cannot increase spending without increasing income or debt. This means that I get to pay for this now, or just kick the can down the road a little further and let my daughter and grandchildren pay the bill later.

Obama says his $447 billion plan will be paid for by additional cuts over the next ten years. This is simple baloney. Congress has made no real cuts, offering only promises to cut.

SECONDLY, everyday Americans know that additional government spending will not create long lasting, quality jobs. It didn't work in the past and it won't work this time. Remember in 2009, Obama rammed through Congress – without bipartisan support – the largest spending bill ever. It cost over $800 billion and Obama said it would lower unemployment and end the recession.

It didn’t work.

Now, Obama wants another $400 billion plus? Obama's American Jobs Act includes $194 billion in more spending on "infrastructure." Do you remember what the president said publicly on June 13, 2011? He was at a council meeting in Durham, North Carolina, talking about job growth and his policies and so forth. One of the members asked Obama a question: "I'm sure that when you implemented the Recovery Act, your staff briefed you on many of the challenges of the permitting process and the impact on putting Americans back to work, and that's exactly what we see in American businesses – Obama’s reply was, "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." and then he laughed about it.

Obama's American Jobs Act includes another bailout of state and local public employee unions, and another extension of unemployment benefits. It also provides $175 billion to extend last year's reduction of employee payroll taxes and $70 billion in new employer payroll tax cuts and credits to encourage businesses to hire.

THIRDLY, Obama is NOT interested in permanent tax relief. The president's "American Jobs Act" is a political scam…with one goal: … to put more money into the economy over the next year to re-elect Barack Obama in 2012. Tax relief should be handled separately from Obama’s plan. A tax plan should offer tax relief across-the-board, and reduce overall tax rates for everyone. Permanently.

If Obama and Congress want to stimulate job growth with tax cuts, cut the corporate tax rate. This act alone could bring back to America over $1 trillion in capital from overseas.

Congress should also make the Bush tax cuts permanent, returning some level of certainty back into the markets.

The fiscal irresponsibility in Washington and growing uncertainty over our economic outlook is stifling growth. Businesses and families are saving more to prepare for potential tax hikes. This President and Congress need to get out of the way and allow the private sector do what is does best… create jobs.

This job bill is not what we need right now.

Please stand FULLY OPPOSED to the president's "American Jobs Act"

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