Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Florida law suit against Obamacare begins tomorrow…

Twenty-six states have banded together in a legal battle against President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, and the trial begins tomorrow, 6/8/11, in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. Oral arguments in case of Florida v. the Department of Health & Human Services start at 9:30 am.

A panel of three judges will hear the case, two of them appointed by President Clinton and one of them by President George H.W. Bush.

The Florida case is the fourth of the health care lawsuits to reach the appellate level.

On May 8, the Fourth Circuit Court heard the Virginia case and the Liberty University case.

On June 1, the Sixth Circuit heard the case brought by Thomas More Law Center.

Later this summer, more appeals will be heard in the Third Circuit, the Ninth Circuit, and the D.C. Circuit.

Notably, in last week’s Thomas More hearing, the U.S. Solicitor General said in defense of the individual mandate,
“The minimum coverage provision only kicks in after people have earned a minimum amount of income…So I guess one could say… someone doesn’t need to earn that much income.”

Basically, the Obama administration said in court that if you don’t want to pay for government mandated health care, just earn less money so your health care can be paid for by your neighbors.

This shows how the Obama folks think about government-run health care: We know better what you need than you do.  We know better how to spend your money on health care than you do. We're going to make those decisions for you.  Don’t earn too much money so that we can provide for your health care needs.

Any of these cases could reach the Supreme Court in 2012.

This is not just a fight over health care; this is a fight about the Constitutional limits of our government.

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