Sunday, May 4, 2008

Look what "Change to Democrat" has gotten us...

Barack Obama is clamoring for "change", and even said, "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it."

What is it that he wants to change TO ?

In 2006, the American public voted to change control of Congress from Republican to Democrat.

Prior to that change:

  • Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
  • Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
  • The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratic Congress in 2006 we have seen:

  • Consumer confidence plummet;
  • The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $3.50 a gallon and diesel to well over $4.05 a gallon;
  • 25% of America's corn crop was diverted to produce ethanol as mandated by Congress.
  • The price of corn, wheat and soybeans has increased by more than 240%.
  • Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase);

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!

If Americans want to reduce the price of gas at the pumps, we absolutely must realize that taxing the big oil companies will NOT reduce the price we pay. The best way to reduce the price of gas is to increase the supply of oil right here in the USA.

Sadly, it’s the Congress and various environmental groups that are preventing us from drilling for oil in Alaska and off shore. It's estimated that if Congress would lift the ban on oil and natural gas production in Alaska and the Outer Continental Shelf, we could produce nearly three million barrels of oil a day in addition to what's being produced now. Increasing our supply of domestic oil will not only lower prices at the gas pumps, but will reduce transportation costs as the price of diesel goes down, and this in turn will lower the prices of food at the grocery stores, and lower the prices of other goods and services that are dependent upon energy.

Some of the changes we really need are:

  1. Lift the ban on exploring for oil and gas in ANWR and off shore.
  2. Build new oil and gasoline refineries, expand nuclear power plants, and continue to pursue clean coal-burning power plants, and wind and wave energy production.
  3. Freeze the biofuel mandate at current levels, instead of steadily increasing it through 2022.

Too many Americans are willing to falsely blame President Bush, and fail to remember that it is Congress that makes laws, not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who woulda thought that 40 years ago our country would be in such a mess ? I remember filling up my cycle for ONE Quarter. that's 25 cents. I also remember riding with a guy that had a twin jet honda :) Made my honda 50 look pretty slow. Cya later